Complex Extracting

Run below command to install optional dependency.

pip install "data_extractor[lxml]"  # For using XPath
pip install "data_extractor[cssselect]"  # For using CSS-Selectors

Download RSS Sample file for demonstrate.


Parse it into data_extractor.lxml.Element.

from pathlib import Path

from lxml.etree import fromstring

root = fromstring(Path("sample-rss-2.xml").read_text())

Defining ChannelItem class, then extracting the data.

from data_extractor import Field, Item, XPathExtractor

class ChannelItem(Item):
    title = Field(XPathExtractor("./title/text()"), default="")
    link = Field(XPathExtractor("./link/text()"), default="")
    description = Field(XPathExtractor("./description/text()"))
    publish_date = Field(XPathExtractor("./pubDate/text()"))
    guid = Field(XPathExtractor("./guid/text()"))

Extracting all channel items from file.

from data_extractor import XPathExtractor

extractor = ChannelItem(XPathExtractor("//channel/item"), is_many=True)
assert extractor.extract(root)[:2] == [
        "title": "Star City",
        "link": "",
        "description": 'How do Americans get ready to work with Russians aboard the International Space Station? They take a crash course in culture, language and protocol at Russia\'s <a href="">Star City</a>.',
        "publish_date": "Tue, 03 Jun 2003 09:39:21 GMT",
        "guid": "",
        "title": "",
        "link": "",
        "description": 'Sky watchers in Europe, Asia, and parts of Alaska and Canada will experience a <a href="">partial eclipse of the Sun</a> on Saturday, May 31st.',
        "publish_date": "Fri, 30 May 2003 11:06:42 GMT",
        "guid": "",

Nested Extractors

Defining Channel class with ChannelItem.

class Channel(Item):
    title = Field(XPathExtractor("./title/text()"))
    link = Field(XPathExtractor("./link/text()"))
    description = Field(XPathExtractor("./description/text()"))
    language = Field(XPathExtractor("./language/text()"))
    publish_date = Field(XPathExtractor("./pubDate/text()"))
    last_build_date = Field(XPathExtractor("./lastBuildDate/text()"))
    docs = Field(XPathExtractor("./docs/text()"))
    generator = Field(XPathExtractor("./generator/text()"))
    managing_editor = Field(XPathExtractor("./managingEditor/text()"))
    web_master = Field(XPathExtractor("./webMaster/text()"))

    items = ChannelItem(XPathExtractor("./item[position()<3]"), is_many=True)

Extracting the rss channel data from file.

from data_extractor import XPathExtractor

extractor = Channel(XPathExtractor("//channel"))
assert extractor.extract(root) == {
    "title": "Liftoff News",
    "link": "",
    "description": "Liftoff to Space Exploration.",
    "language": "en-us",
    "publish_date": "Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT",
    "last_build_date": "Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:41:01 GMT",
    "docs": "",
    "generator": "Weblog Editor 2.0",
    "managing_editor": "",
    "web_master": "",
    "items": [
            "title": "Star City",
            "link": "",
            "description": 'How do Americans get ready to work with Russians aboard the International Space Station? They take a crash course in culture, language and protocol at Russia\'s <a href="">Star City</a>.',
            "publish_date": "Tue, 03 Jun 2003 09:39:21 GMT",
            "guid": "",
            "title": "",
            "link": "",
            "description": 'Sky watchers in Europe, Asia, and parts of Alaska and Canada will experience a <a href="">partial eclipse of the Sun</a> on Saturday, May 31st.',
            "publish_date": "Fri, 30 May 2003 11:06:42 GMT",
            "guid": "",

Simplifying Complex Extractor

A complex extractor can be simplified into a simple extractor by using data_extractor.item.Item.simplify().

from data_extractor import XPathExtractor

complex_extractorra = ChannelItem(XPathExtractor("//channel/item"))
simple_extractor = complex_extractor.simplify()

complex_extractor.is_many = False
assert simple_extractor.extract_first(root) == complex_extractor.extract(root)

complex_extractor.is_many = True
assert simple_extractor.extract(root) == complex_extractor.extract(root)

Set Paramater Extractor Be None To Extract Data From Root

from data_extractor import Item, Field, JSONExtractor

class User(Item):
    nickname = Field(JSONExtractor("name"))
    age = Field(JSONExtractor("age"))
    raw = Field()

assert User().extract({"name": "john", "age": 17, "gender": "male"}) == {
    "nickname": "john",
    "age": 17,
    "raw": {"name": "john", "age": 17, "gender": "male"},

Avoid Field Overwrites Property Or Method

To avoid complex extractor’s field overwrites its property or method, use the parameter name of the complex extractor.

from data_extractor import Field, Item, JSONExtractor

class User(Item):
    name_ = Field(JSONExtractor("name"), name="name")

assert User().extract({"name": "john", "age": 17}) == {"name": "john"}